Account Management Services

At eCOM SOLUTIONS , we understand the complexities of managing an account efficiently to drive sales and maximize growth. Our comprehensive Account Management Service offers end- to – end support to ensure your online presence thrives. From initial setup to ongoing optimization, we handle every aspect of your account, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Our Services Include:

Account Setup

We start by creating and setting up your seller account, ensuring all necessary information is accurately entered to get you up and running quickly.

Brand Approval

We assist in obtaining brand approvals, ensuring your products are properly represented on the platform.

GTIN Exemption

Our team helps navigate the GTIN exemption process, ensuring your unique products can be listed without standard identifiers.

New Listing Creation

We create compelling product listings that stand out , including optimized titles, descriptions, and images to attract potential buyers.

Listing Optimization

We continuously optimize your product listings to improve visibility, conversion rates, and overall performance.

Sponsored Products/CPC and Ads Optimization

Our experts manage your advertising campaigns, optimizing CPC bids and ad placements to maximize ROI and drive targeted traffic.

Account Health Management

We monitor your account health metrics closely, addressing any issues promptly to ensure compliance with guidelines.

Participation in Deals and Promotions

We strategically en-roll your products in deals and promotions to boost visibility and drive sales during peak periods.

Sales Boost

Leveraging data- driven insights and proven strategies, we work to increase your sales and revenue on the platform.

Personalized Account Manager

You’ll have a dedicated account manager who serves as your point of contact, providing personalized support and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Timely Reporting

We provide detailed reports on account performance, advertising metrics, and sales data regularly, keeping you informed and empowered to make informed decisions.



Our team consists of seasoned specialists with years of experience in managing successful accounts.

Dedicated Support

We offer personalized support and guidance, ensuring you have a reliable partner every step of the way.

Proven Results

Our track record of delivering tangible results speaks for itself, with numerous satisfied clients experiencing significant growth.


We believe in transparent communication and provide regular updates and reports to keep you informed about your  account’s performance.

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